Skip the years of trial & error, and master THE SKILL OF ADVANCED SKINCARE
Learn everything you need to know to get clear skin at home — without diets, pills, or facials!

Let’s see, you’ve tried absolutely everything for clear skin and your skin is worse than when you started?
You’re not alone!
I’ve worked with people who have tried:
- multiple rounds of Accutane
- multiple rounds of antibiotics
- Spironolactone
- birth control pills (omg the side effects on you love life!!!!)
- every prescription cream out there (Differin, Clindacne, Dalacin T, Davercin, Epiduo, Duac)
- every product at the drugstore for “acne-prone” skin
- aloe, toothpaste, zinc cream, tea tree oil, jojoba oil and every other oil
- food on your face; yoghurt masks, honey, garlic
- the caveman regimen!
- double cleansing
- dermarolling (stop right now!!)
- 17 step K-beauty routines
- every influencer recommendation, including urine!
- detoxes (candida cleanses, parasite cleanses, celery juice daily)
- 29 different supplements (Zilch, Vitamin A, Zinc, etc.)
- spending thousands of dollars on facials and treatments…
- and let’s not forget the acne programs where the person selling the program calls every skin condition acne and tells you to give up your fave foods, take some unregulated supplements, use weird DIY products on your face, and drink buttloads of celery juice…(Yes, they’re all THE SAME)
And they still didn’t get clear skin.
All that effort and nothing but disappointment.
"How could this be happening to me? I tried everything!! I eat better than most other humans, exercise 3-5x a week, spend thousands of dollars on tests and supplements and skincare, and made this the center of everything I do and think about!! Why is my skin only getting worse?"
Why is it so hard to get clear skin when it’s literally your skin’s natural state?
Short answer: too much noise. You can’t make heads or tails of it.
Longer answer: You are surrounded by opinions, advertising, and people mostly selling you things that you don’t need; MARKETING spreads myths, and then myths become a part of the marketing. On repeat. So you’ll unintentionally do everything BUT support your skin.
The marketing is soooooo compelling that it makes you believe in your products more than your skin.
When your skin is:
- constantly inflamed (itchy, uncomfortable, in pain!)
- getting frequent breakouts (like more than 5 at a time, all over, every week!)
- red, hot, irritated, tingles, so uncomfortable
- flaky, tight, dry
You are quicker to blame your hormones and diet, than your product choices or how you use them. Even if the link is made up.
REALITY: Most consumers can’t tell the difference between a well-formulated and a badly-formulated product, and don’t know what is required for healthy skin.
So when you try all the things and get the before picture results you WON’T SAY “Well, I must not know how to choose products that suit me.” or “Wow, my skin really doesn’t like the way I’m using these products!”
You are more likely to conclude that you’re sick inside, broken, cursed, and stuck with it forever!
But you aren’t!s
Flukes vs. Skills

My skin when I had no idea what I was doing
When I was confused and overwhelmed due to myths and misinformation, I ruined my skin over and over again while blaming my hormones and food.

My skin after I learned about skin health
Understanding how the skin works helped me choose skincare products and maintain habits that supported and protected this super cool organ.
Skin is the only organ that protects all our other organs. But who protects your skin?
You do…or don’t.
Turns out, we have a lot of power over our skin health and results.
But you have to wield that power responsibly!
The before photos you see here?
Those are the many ways people try to protect their skin.
They’re doing the best with what they know.
Unfortunately, a lot of what they know is rooted in marketing, misinformation, and noise.
The after photos you see here?
Is the way I teach you to protect your skin.
See? Anyone can destroy their perfectly healthy skin.
Unknowingly, by accident.
Anyone can create all kinds of imbalances and issues ON the surface of their skin!
It’s a local problem. It’s not linked to every other organ, or every other issue in your body.
Those conclusions are just more noise.
But if we consistently ignore our skin’s needs…while blaming our food and hormones… we only continue down a path of skin destruction!
YOU can learn the skill of skin care. But not from scrolling.
“Oh, but Olena, skin care is so easy. What’s to learn?”
I used to think that too!
The whole time I was destroying my skin on the outside, I thought I was doing a great job caring for it!
Because skincare is a major blind spot for us.
Everybody thinks they know how to care for their skin.
Go on Instagram and watch people confidently share their skincare routines in their bathrooms.
But look at the results.
Why do so many influencers confidently share their skincare routines but suddenly share a video crying about how their skin is the worst it’s ever been and that they’re now considering going on Accutane because nothing is working?
Scroll #acnepositivity to see how well people care for their skin.
People are happily blaming their hormones, their diets, their genes…
But nobody thinks to question their skincare skills.
Which brings us to beliefs about skin care.
I believed this, and many experts still believe this.
We believe that:
We know how to care for our skin.
That's why we scrub harder when our skin is inflamed, why we're afraid of sunscreen, why we think oils can unclog pores, and why we think food causes acne. We all think we know how to take care of our skin even when we don't!
It's for sure acne.
Acne has become a catch-all term for anything that's even slightly wrong with our skin...But one pimple does not mean you have acne; many skin conditions look like acne but are not acne. So if you're treating something you don't even have, how will you get clear skin?
Clear skin can be achieved with ONE thing.
That's why we search and search for a magical product, pill, or food and copy what other people are doing instead of taking stock of our entire routine and how it collectively affects our skin over time. Marketing hijacks this hope and gets us to buy, buy, and buy more things!
The truth is:
Skincare isn't intuitive, it's a skill.
Our intuition works against us when we are caring for our skin (that's why we jump to another product after giving the first one 3 days to work).
There are many different skin conditions, and each one requires a different treatment strategy.
And each skin condition can be treated a number of different ways depending on your skin. The individual context has to be considered!
Skin health is a delayed reflection of our skin care habits.
This organ is super resillient and sometimes it can take weeks, months, and even years to see signs of damage.
Nobody was able to help me.
Not my dermatologist, not my family doctor, not my aesthetician…
Because teaching me how to care for my skin at home is not their job.
Dermatologists are meant to solve real skin problems, not troubleshoot your skincare habits.
Family doctors are meant to ensure there’s nothing wrong with your health, not your skincare habits.
Aestheticians are meant to ensure your skin, hair, and nails look nice. It’s not their job to change your skincare habits either.
There’s a time and a place for these experts.
But if you ask the wrong person the wrong question, you can’t be surprised that you’ll get the wrong answer.
So I became determined to help myself.
After that, I kept learning.
Nowadays, people come to me with their skincare challenges after working with multiple dermatologists, aestheticians, naturopaths, nutritionists, acne coaches and after trying all the advice the internet offers.
I have helped thousands of women heal their skin from acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, perioral and periocular dermatitis, melasma, malassezia folliculitis, tinea versicolor, etc.
They get clear and healthy skin with strategic at-home skincare only.
And they maintain their results for years!
no diets, pills, or fancy treatments were used to heal these skin conditions.
Diets don't directly affect the skin in any measurable or visible way except in the case of allergies.
Allergic reactions ≠ acne. You can eat well or not, but don't do it for clear skin as the motivation since you'll at best be deeply disappointed, at worst you'll develop serious issues around food.
Pills don't change your skincare habits, either.
Notice all the people going to multiple rounds of Accutane...Most of these people
a. have the invisible blocks from above
c. will feel like the skin condition is chasing them
c. might have to deal with unwanted side effects
Fancy treatments can supplement excellent at-home skin care habits.
But treatments don't replace at-home care. If you rely on them for clear skin you'll find that they're unsustainable long-term and get very expensive fast (if your provider is competent!).
It’s nice to have your hair professionally done once in a while, but if you did it all the time, it would get expensive, and you’d see a lot of damage. You’re meant to take good care of your hair at home and…
You're meant to have healthy, clear skin at home!
Clear skin isn't impossible, it's natural.
Clear skin doesn't require you to change your entire life, just your skincare habits.
Clear skin isn't just for people with good genes, but also for people with great skincare skills.
What do all these skincare journeys have in common?

Skincare. Yes, the before photos is how some people care for their skin…
The after photo is skincare according to what I teach.
Shows you that maybe what we use, and HOW we use it matters…
What was the missing piece all along?
To put it simply: skincare know-how.
Guess who’s gathered a sh*t ton of know-how over the years?
*It me!*
And I want to share it with you!
It’s time to do the thing that will help your skin the most: learn about your skin, how it works, what it needs, why it needs it, and how to support it and protect it the right way for you.
You’ll be able to see through all the noise, myths, and lies that have kept you stuck up until this point.
You’ll learn everything you need to know in order to properly care for your skin AT HOME — no useless fluff, I don’t want to waste your time because I know you want to support your skin YESTERDAY.
Isn’t that awesome?
I created a course for women serious about designing a phenomenal skincare routine that HEALS and PROTECTS their skin at home.
Are you ready to master your skincare skills?
Skin Queen™
The Ultimate Skincare Course That Teaches You How To Take Advanced Care Of Your Skin At Home
No double cleansing or sheet masks here.

6 Modules, 20 Video Lessons, 7 PDF Guides that Make Skincare Easy!
I’ve packaged up my own strategic and highly effective individualized skincare methodology that has consistently reaped clear skin results for my clients for the last 6 years so that you can apply it and start seeing incredible improvement in under 90 days.
While everyone is scrolling #acnepositivity accounts convincing themselves that clear skin is impossible, you'll be learning AND IMPLEMENTING the evidence-based best practices that will bring out the best in your skin!
What's inside the
Skin Queen course?
6 Nerdy But Super Fun Modules To Help You Get Your Clear Skin Back
Fair warning: It’s been called BINGE-WORTHY.
• The Most Common Skin Myths
We’ll get you into a Skin Queen mindset so that you can enjoy the process of learning and implementing all these new skin skills. We also dispel some of the most common skin myths that keep you stuck repeating habits that only ruin your skincare results.
In this module you'll see why we have skin, how it works, how we affect it, why it appears to be mad at us and what it all means so that you can begin to feel confident listening to your skin.
This module will transform how you think about your skin as well as how you treat it. You will never blame your skin again!!
Skin Function
• How do we create skin conditions?
• How does skin heal?
Skin Health
• What is compromised skin?
• How to identify & Treat common skin conditions?
This module teaches you about common skin conditions and offers specific evidence-based treatments options that help in healing them so that you can skip all the distractions and poor advice.
You're going to have your mind blown when you realize why some of the things you've tried for clear skin didn't work!
This module teaches you how to shop for skincare without getting tripped up by false promises and silly trends.
You'll be able to choose well-formulated skincareproducts that support & protect your skin, while dodging the fluff and useless products.You'll never fear a single ingredient again!
Skin Stuff
• How To Read Between The Lies (marketing)
• Common Ingredients To Know
• How to read labels
• What to avoid and in what context
Skin Care
• How To Use Each Step Of Your Skincare Routine (Best Practices)
• The 4 Most Important Things That Matter In Your Skincare Routine
• Fundamental Skincare Steps vs. Advanced Skincare steps
• How To Choose And Use Actives Without Destroying Your Skin
That's right! You can even use good products in a way that totally ruins your skin -- but not after going through these info-packed lessons.
This is everyone’s fave module that breaks down each step of your skincare routine, what you need, how to use it, and how to tailor it to your skin’s needs. You'll learn the fundamentals of skincare, as well as advanced skincare.
With this module, you'll master your routine once and for all! You'll know how to build the very best skincare routine for clear skin! 🙂
This module helps you pin-point which step in your routine might be messing up your progress and what to do about it! Now that you're a Skin Queen, you won’t panic, instead you'll assess the data in front of you, and take action that gets you back on track towards your skin goals!
Skin Healing
Take back control of your skin health!
It's a self-study online program with a total of 6 modules that include super fun info-packed videos on specific skincare topics. You can go at your own pace and revisit the material whenever you want.
Skin Queen Workbook
Each module comes with a workbook that will help you remember the most important concepts while also helping you implement what you learn so that you can see clearer skin as soon as possible!
Chat Support: Ask Questions Anytime!
What happens if something isn't clear? Need more guidance? I'm there to answer questions and help point you in the right direction!
Continual FAQ Page Updates
Some of your best questions are added to a page that is continuously updated, organized by skincare step for easy referencing.
You will learn how to achieve clear skin at home through advanced skin care. Without restrictive diets, without spending a million dollars on products and treatments that don't work, and without thinking about your skin non-stop.
NEW in JULY, 2024👇
But what if you still don't fully trust your skincare choices? No worries! I've put together a gorgeous collection of "Olena Approved" Products to get you started in all the categories that matter (no silly sheet masks, essences, or scrubs -- promise!).
Some of the best well-formulated products out you can build an effective personalized skincare routine that respects YOUR skin's needs!
Know-How = Real Results

ready for everything to get easier?
Imagine how different your life might look a year from now
you take this incredible step towards healthy skin. I get excited just thinking about it!
Before Skin Queen you are:
- Spending every waking moment worrying about your skin
- Endlessly googling “how to get rid of acne”
- Blaming all the wrong things for your skin condition
- Experiencing FOMO & information overload
- Wasting time & money on useless products and treatments that don’t work
- Making skincare mistakes and creating damage
- Always thinking about your skin and wondering whether or not the person looking at you is noticing that pimple
- Wearing pounds of makeup to the gym
- Confused about what to do and where to start…
After Skin Queen you are:
- Strategic with your skincare choices & habits
- Taking incredible care of your skin at-home
- Immune to the marketing nonsense
- Able to choose products that suit you
- Comfortable in your skin and your skin is comfortable!
- Feeling confident leaving the house with or without makeup!
- Eating the foods you used to blame for your skin condition 😉
- Looking back and laughing at all the stuff you used to do…
- Free to spend your time on other fun things!
Skin Queen isn't just informational,
- The Entire Skin Queen Video Vault (6 Modules, 20 videos)
- Step-by-step tutorials on how to create a personalized skincare routine for your individual skin needs and goals
- Insider Tips on how to avoid the common skincare mistakes that are damaging your skin
- Gorgeous Info-Packed WorkBook PDFs for each Module to help you implement all the know-how in real life
- 12-Month Access so you can learn at your own pace
- Chat support with Olena to help answer any questions and offer guidance
- Free access to a continuously updated Q&A library of FAQs and my responses
- BONUS: Olena Approved Products PDF to make putting together a customized skincare routine even easier!
- Clarity, Confidence, and Comfort!
Apply today and take the ultimate step towards the clear, glowing skin you deserve.
Hear from our students
If you want to finally know how skin works and help yourself, please purchase the course! I spent years thinking diet, hormones were the reason for my acne and went on so many detoxes and cleanses - paid thousands of dollars. All to realize that I was perfectly healthy."
who is this course for?
Skin Queen is for the girl who has tried everything for clear skin and still doesn't have clear skin, but more specifically:
This course is for you if:
- You have acne (or something that looks like acne)
- You’re over trying random "hacks" and "tips" and are ready to be strategic
- You’re tired of acne holding you back from achieving your goals!
- You want to finally care for your skin the way it deserves!
- You don't want to keep overpaying for products that don't do what they say they will do
- You feel like you've gotten as far as you can on your own and are ready for an extra push to take you the rest of the way to success
- You’re growing more and more excited as you read this and can’t wait to design your own skin-supportive routine tailored to YOUR skin!
This course may not be for you if:
- You're looking for a quick fix or an overnight miracle
- You can't commit to a new skincare routine for 6-12 months
- You are unwilling to change your mind about myths like “natural” skincare is better and are afraid of chemicals
- You want me to tell you what to eat
- You are an "acne coach" or other skincare professional (you should know everything that's in this course already -- please wait for the PRO version of this course in the future).
The results-driven & sanity-saving system to transform your skin is just a Few *clicks* away
Community + Call
Skin Queen Essentials
Begin your journey to clear, radiant skin with all the essential tools
$497.00 USD
$497.00 USD
Get access to the Course
- 6-month Access to the Course
- 6 Core Modules One module drops each week
- 6 Info-Packed Work Book Chapters in PDF format helping you implement the core concepts of the course
- Routine templates and examples
- Access to continuously updated Q&A Library
- Chat support: Ask questions about the content inside the Course portal!
- Bonus Olena Approved Products PDF
- Exclusive Access 12- Month Membership to Skin Queen Community
- Personal Coaching 30-minute coaching session with Olena (schedule within 12 months)
- Replay Library Watch replays of previous coaching calls
Skin Queen Plus
Take your results further with extended access and a transformative bonus
$547.00 USD
$547.00 USD
Get access to the Course
- 12-month Access to the Course
- 6 Core Modules One module drops each week
- 6 Info-Packed Work Book Chapters in PDF format helping you implement the core concepts of the course
- Routine templates and examples
- Access to continuously updated Q&A Library
- Chat support: Ask questions about the content inside the Course portal!
- Bonus Olena Approved Products PDF
- Exclusive Access 12- Month Membership to Skin Queen Community
- Personal Coaching 30-minute coaching session with Olena (schedule within 12 months)
- Replay Library Watch replays of previous coaching calls
Skin Queen Coaching 📞
Receive community support, coaching call, and additional resources to achieve your transformation
$697.00 USD
$697.00 USD
Unlock instant access to all Modules Now
- 12-month Access to the Course
- 6 Core Modules Instant access to all modules!
- 6 Info-Packed Work Book Chapters in PDF format helping you implement the core concepts of the course
- Routine templates and examples
- Access to continuously updated Q&A Library
- Chat support: Ask questions about the content anytime!
- Bonus Olena Approved Products PDF
- Exclusive Access 12- Month Membership to Skin Queen Community
- Personal Coaching 30-minute coaching session with Olena (schedule within 12 months)
- Replay Library Watch replays of previous coaching calls
It's not about the number of things you try for clear skin, the amount of time or money you spend, or the foods that you don't eat. You've tried all that and know that that path is useless.
By understanding your skin, listening to its needs, and supporting it the RIGHT way you can get clear skin, maintain clear skin, and have an incredibly normal relationship with this cool organ again.
THE A's to all your Q's
Q: How can I enroll?
A: We have an application process to make sure we are a great fit!
Please do your best filling out the application — we don’t accept incomplete applications so do take your time with it.
When your application has been approved you will receive an email confirmation. This can take a week or two.
You will be notified via email when enrollment begins, and will have an opportunity to enroll in the course.
If you miss an enrollment window, and it appears as though your application slipped through the cracks, email us once at [email protected] and we’ll gladly look into it. But please do not send multiple messages via social media or email about your application. Thank you for your understanding!
Q: Is the course only for acne?
A: Ooh, definitely not! Acne has become the catch-all term for anything that might appear to be wrong with our skin, but it’s not the only skin condition and it’s not as popular as the internet makes it seem.
This course covers some of the most common skin conditions so that you can better identify what you really have.
Q: How long does it take for skin to heal?
A: You can begin seeing the first signs of healing about 2-3 months of a routine — which is about 2-3 skin cycles. For some people, it takes even six to twelve months depending the severity of the skin condition.
My clients see the best transformations around and after the 3-month mark and onward. Because the skin just gets better and better and better as it heals, and as the skincare protects it from further damage!
We aim for longterm results that last, not short-term results.
Q: What if I'm busy, will I have time to go through the program and still get results?
A: If you have about 15-30 minutes a day, you can get through this program in about 4 weeks with weekends off. It is designed to be efficient and fun, because I know a lot of you are busy! The rest of the time you’ll be implementing everything you learn in the course in real life — putting knowledge into action!
Q: What is Chat Support?
A: Chat Support means you can ask questions about the course material inside the course portal anytime and I will answer them!
This doesn’t include personalized coaching (without seeing your skin, knowing your skin history, this would be quite useless).
I do my best to guide you in the right direction so that you know what to do and how to do it while listening to your skin.
Q: Will Skin Queen help with reading skincare ingredients?
A: Totally! Understanding skin skincare ingredients is an important part of this course so that you can see through marketing claims and only buy things that are well-formulated. It’s a very nuanced and interesting topic, that I’m sure you’ll really enjoy!
Q: Can I get this for my teenager or would she be too young?
A: Yes, that’s a fabulous idea! If your teenager becomes a Skin Queen now, imagine the struggle she’ll never face with all the misinformation currently out there about skin and skin conditions. I’d love for more teens to go through this program! Also, I don’t swear in any of the course content so it is kid-friendly. 🙂
The Skin Queen course is an excellent gift idea for anyone interested in improving their skin (sister, aunt, friend, etc.).
Q: Are payment plans available?
A: Yes, you can choose to pay in full or choose a 2-month payment plan. The pay in full option is always the best value.
Q: Is this course for skincare professionals?
A: No. The content in this course is for non-professionals, people who want to take the best care of their skin at-home.
Professionals should be well-versed in this already, but often aren’t which is why you have the results that you have.
This course doesn’t turn beginners into professionals.
Please understand that if you purchase this course as a skincare professional or wannabe professional, you will be kicked out and blacklisted from purchasing the PRO or COACH versions, or any product from
NOTE: If you are an “acne coach” or someone who offers “customized skincare routines” or “holistic acne healing” you will be kicked out without a refund. Have a little self-respect.
Transform Your Skin with the Skin Queen Method

Hi, I'm Olena!
My happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my insights with the world, or people watching in cafes around Paris with my husband.
Taking control of my skin health is one of the most empowering things I’ve done for myself.
But I’m not going to sit here and tell you it happened over night.
It took steady, hard work for over a decade, consistently showing up, and challenging my comfort zones with creativity and learning! And it took self-awareness.
I don't believe in "skincare secrets", but I do believe in skincare habits. I think healthy skin is the norm, and just needs to be taken care of properly & consistently.
It’s not just about getting clear skin, it’s about building a foundation for lifelong skin health.
After helping hundreds of people get clear skin even after the most severe skin conditions, I can say I’ve cracked the code on at-home skin health. Without the struggle.
And I want to share it with you.